Super Succulents

Anacampseros Telephiastrum Variegata ‘sunrise’

This variegated succulent has pink and green leaves. As the rosettes grow, they can creep outwards as a mat in rock gardens, or in container gardens it trails over the edge, making it great “filler or spiller


Caring For Anacampseros Telephiastrum Variegata ‘sunrise’


1) Light: Place the potted plant where it will receive filtered sunlight and good air circulation. Pots may be placed outdoors during the summer months, but must be moved indoors during the winter

2) Water: Water the plant once a week during the growing season, soaking it until water seeps from the drainage holes. During dormant months, water only enough that the plant does not appear wilted

3) Soil: Select a suitably-sized pot that has holes for drainage. Fill the pot with a cacti potting soil, which can be found at your local home and garden store or mix your own using equal parts horticultural sand, soil and grit

4) Fertilizer: Fertilize once a week during the growing season, using a 10-10-10 fertilizer diluted to one fourth


1) Planting: Dig a hole in the ground that is slightly larger than the nursery pot and place the plant in the hole. Fill in the space with the excess dirt, making sure to fully cover the roots

2) Water: Anacampseros “Sunrise” succulent at least once a week during the growing season, which lasts from spring to fall. Thoroughly soak the ground around the plant so that the roots are quenched. During the winter months, water only when the soil around the plant is completely dry, as these are dormant months when less water is needed

3) Soil: Plant the Anacampseros “Sunrise” in well-draining soil where it will receive bright, filtered sunlight and adequate airflow. Rocky or sandy soil is ideal

4) Fertilizer: Fertilize once a week during the growing season, using a 10-10-10 fertilizer diluted to one fourth


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