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Options Contract: What It Is, How It Works, Types of Contracts

Knowing when to exercise an option can be tricky, and it hinges on both the strike price of the option and the timing. In simple terms, the strike price is a set price at which you can exercise a call or put option. Options trading can be an attractive investment strategy, because if done correctly, you can potentially make money when a stock is going down as well as when it goes up. is an independent, advertising-supported publisher and comparison service. We are compensated in exchange for placement of sponsored products and services, or by you clicking on certain links posted on our site. Therefore, this compensation may impact how, where and in what order products appear within listing categories, except where prohibited by law for our mortgage, home equity and other home lending products.

  1. She, therefore, opts for the March $25 call (which is in-the-money) and pays $2.26 for it.
  2. Every position depends on your individual preferences and the strategy type.
  3. In-the-money options have intrinsic value since they can be exercised at a strike price that is more favorable than the current market price, for a guaranteed profit.
  4. Options have time value because it is possible that the intrinsic value will increase before the maturity of the option.
  5. We are compensated in exchange for placement of sponsored products and services, or by you clicking on certain links posted on our site.
  6. Options are financial contracts that give the buyer the right, but not obligation, to buy or sell the underlying stock at the strike price during the term of the option.

(Put options would work similarly but give you the right to sell rather than buy the underlying). The question of what strike price is most desirable will depend on factors such as the risk tolerance of the investor and the options premiums available from the market. Puts with strike prices higher than the current price will be in-the-money since you can sell the stock higher than the market price and then buy it back for a guaranteed profit. A put option will instead be in-the-money when the underlying stock price is below the strike price and be out-of-the-money when the underlying stock price is above the strike price. Again, an OTM option won’t have intrinsic value, but it may still have value based on the volatility of the underlying asset and the time left until option expiration. Conversely, the call option seller would be obligated to sell the underlying asset at the contract’s predetermined strike price if the buyer chooses to exercise the option.

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So in-the-money options would retain at least some value, while out-of-the-money options would be worthless. Here’s how strike prices work, why they matter for options traders and how to understand strike prices. For a put writer, the wrong strike price would result in the underlying stock being assigned at prices well above the current Day trading excel spreadsheet market price. That may occur if the stock plunges abruptly, or if there is a sudden market sell-off, sending most share prices sharply lower. If you are a call or a put buyer, choosing the wrong strike price may result in the loss of the full premium paid. This risk increases when the strike price is set further out of the money.

Strike Price Considerations

In general, call options can be purchased as a leveraged bet on the appreciation of a stock or index, while put options are purchased to profit from price declines. The buyer of a call option has the right, but not the obligation, to buy the number of shares covered in the contract at the strike price. Put buyers, on the other hand, have the right, but not the obligation, to sell the shares at the strike price specified in the contract. The longer the contract term, the more time you have to monitor the asset’s movements to decide if it’s going to align with what you initially expected it to do. The risk, however, is that the security doesn’t perform the way you thought it would, which could limit your ability to profit from buying or selling at the option’s chosen strike price. Strike prices are important when trading options, because they can directly affect the amount of profit you make when exercising a call or put option.

What Is a Strike Price?

Options generally cost a fraction of what the underlying shares would. Using options is a form of leverage, allowing an investor to make a bet on a stock without having to purchase or sell the shares outright. In exchange for this privilege, the options buyer pays a premium to the party selling the option. The strategy type helps determine how aggressively you want to set up the strike price; higher reward trades typically involve more risk. Conversely, high probability trades may cost less or collect less premium. Choosing the right strike price is an essential component of setting up a trade.

Similarly, an option will lose value as the difference between the strike and underlying price become larger and as the option falls out-of-the-money. American options can be exercised any time before the expiration date of the option, while European options can only be exercised on the expiration date or the exercise date. Because they paid $53 for the option, the stock would need to trade for more than $733 for the trade to be profitable.

The strike price is the price in an options transaction at which the underlying stock (or other asset) can be bought or sold. For call options, that price is the price the underlying stock can be purchased and for put options, that price is the one at which it can be sold. For a put option, the option becomes more valuable as the stock price falls below the strike price.

If the share price stays below $65 and the options expire, the call writer keeps the shares and can collect another premium by writing calls again. But options trading can be risky and potentially expose you to higher losses. Minimizing losses while maximizing profits with options is tied to the strike price and knowing when to buy or sell. The strike price is important for calculating tax owed on employee stock options. Employees who receive statutory stock options as part of an incentive option plan don’t pay tax when the option is received or exercised. However, when the stock purchased using the option is sold, the strike price of the option is the cost basis used to calculate taxes owed.

So the strike price is the price at which the option goes in the money (i.e., has some value at expiration) or out of the money (i.e., is worthless). The strike price indicates the predetermined price at which an option can be bought or sold when it’s exercised. In contrast, spot price refers to the current market price of an asset. For buyers of the call option (such as in the example above), if the strike price is higher than the underlying stock price, the option is out-of-the-money (OTM). Conversely, If the underlying stock price is above the strike price, the option will have intrinsic value and be in-the-money.

Carla and Rick both own GE shares and would like to write the March calls on the stock to earn premium income. Let’s consider some basic option strategies on General Electric, which was once a core holding for a lot of North American investors. GE’s stock price collapsed by more than 85% during 17 months that started in October 2007, plunging to a 16-year low of $5.73 in March 2009 as the global credit crisis imperiled its GE Capital subsidiary. The stock recovered steadily, gaining 33.5% in 2013 and closing at $27.20 on Jan. 16, 2014. An OTM call can have a much larger gain in percentage terms than an ITM call if the stock surges past the strike price, but it has a significantly smaller chance of success than an ITM call.

On the other hand, a trader with a high tolerance for risk may prefer an OTM call. The examples in the following section illustrate some of these concepts. An option’s delta is how much its premium will change given a $1 move in the underlying. So, a call with a +0.40 delta will rise by 40 cents if the underlying rises by a dollar. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.

In that case, Carla’s GE shares would be called away at the $27 strike price. Writing the calls would have generated her net premium income of the amount initially received less the difference between the market price and strike price, or $0.30 (i.e., $0.80 less $0.50). Rick’s calls would expire unexercised, enabling him to retain the full amount of his premium. Likewise, you might look for put options that have a strike price that’s equal to or above the stock’s trading price. Again, this can help with minimizing the odds of losing money if you decide to exercise your option to sell. A more aggressive investor, on the other hand, might take the reverse approach.

You might not make a lot of money with this strategy, but you can insulate yourself against significant losses. When you trade options, you’re not buying shares of stock, bonds or other securities. Instead, you’re investing in contracts that give you the right or option to buy or sell an underlying asset, which can be shares of stock, commodities or other securities. An option is the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a stock (or some other asset) at a specific price by a specific time.

And most importantly, remember that buying options doesn’t mean you have to buy or sell the underlying assets if doing so isn’t the right move for your portfolio. Keep in mind, too, that in order to book a profit on an options trade your gains must exceed the purchase price of the option itself. The number and range of strike prices per expiration vary depending on the dollar price of the underlying security and the demand for the security’s options contracts. For example, some higher-priced stocks may have strike prices in $5 increments ($100, $105, $110, etc.), while some stocks may have strike prices in $1 increments ($50, $51, $52, etc.). For example, a call option with a $50 strike gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying security at $50 per share. Buyers of call options may purchase the underlying security at the strike price while buyers of put options may sell the underlying security at the strike price.

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